Rent our Space

Interested in renting our space?

Community groups are welcome to book space at St. Andrews - we regularly host meetings of The Bayfield Agriculture Society, the Bayfield Art group, the Bayfield Mews Board, The Trail Association, Pioneer Park and the Glee Sisters Choir who rehearse Friday afternoons.

Our space has tables, chairs, a kitchen and is fully accessible.

Please contact Kathleen at the church office to book space at 519-565-2854.

  • Slide title

    Love the beautiful work of the quilters!

  • Slide title

    More work by our talented quilting group - all are welcome to join them!

  • This is a photograph of the coffee counter.

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    Coffee anyone?

  • This is a picture of the basement set up for a luncheon.

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  • This is a photograph of baked good for sale at a bazaar.

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    Host your bake sale or bazaar here.

  • This is a photograph of a table set with salads.

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    A great space for meals and meetings.

  • This is a photograph of the kitchen counter.

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    Lots of counter space.

  • This is an image of the island in the kitchen.

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    A lovely island workspace with 2 stoves and ovens as well as an industrial dishwasher.

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